Ten Surprisingly Common things that Causes Male Infertility

Are you trying unsuccessfully to father a child for some time now? You are not alone. Studies have shown that men are increasingly suffering from fertility issues. With every 1 in 6 couples affected, infertility is on the rise. Studies show that male infertility affects about half of the total infertility cases. Here are some surprising reasons for male infertility. Check it out.
Biological Clock
Yes, men have them too. Just like the women, as men age, the rates of infertility enhance as well. Men above 40 years of age often suffer from lower sperm quality and count.
Even if the partner of such men conceives, the chances of miscarriage get higher as well, and also that older fathers put pregnant women at higher risk of preeclampsia gestational diabetes, and premature birth. Children of men over 40 years of age suffer heightened risks of autism, schizophrenia, and childhood cancer. If you are trying to have a child past this age consult your doctor to find ways to mitigate the challenges.
Wear Boxers
A study from Harvard University has revealed that compared to the men who wear tighter undergarments, men who wear boxers have a 25% higher concentration of sperm and a 17% higher sperm count. Though not all experts may endorse this switch to boxers is cheaper than fertility treatment
Antibodies Attacking Sperm
Antibodies are meant to protect your body from bacterial or viral onslaught. However, in some rare instances, the antibodies can interfere with conception and make it harder for the sperms to normally move and function.
Sleep Pattern Matters
Studies indicate that a longer or shorter period of sleep affects the sperm count of men. Men who sleep more than 9 hours and 6.5 hours or less have less sperm count.
Tips to sleep better:
Go to bed between 10 pm & midnight. Increase your weight training & aerobic exercise
No screen time before sleeping
The bedroom should be cool, comfortable and without bright light, noise & TV.
What You Eat Matters
Adherence to healthy diet habits positively affects sperm quality. A high quantity of processed meat consumption can lower your sperm quality & count.
Vegetables, fruits, nuts & cereals, fish, seafood, shellfish, poultry & low-fat dairy have been associated with a positive influence on the semen quality
Chemicals or Environmental Pollutants
Exposure to these is harmful to semen.
Climate Change
A temperature rise can lower male fertility. In heat waves, fertility goes down. Rising temperature over the last few decades has been a cause of a decrease in sperm quality & count.
Carrying Cell Phone Pocket
Radiofrequency electromagnetic waves from cell phones affect semen quality through a variety of mechanisms in a negative way. Try to stay as far especially when trying to conceive & if you already have poor semen quality & count.
Smoking and Drinking
As you might already know, smoking and drinking can have a detrimental effect on the fertility of men. Smoking decreases count & alcohol quality.
Body Building
Don’t fall into the trap of injectable testosterone for a better physique. These can cause Zero sperm. While you use this information to change your day-to-day activities to boost semen quality don’t get disheartened if you don’t see any immediate changes. The body creates new sperm every 72 days. So it might take two to three months to boost your fertility. If you are trying to conceive, start working on your habits as of now, it’ it is never too late
So, these are the 10 shocking facts that can cause infertility among men. If you have been unsuccessfully trying for a child for years, you should visit the doctor to check for male infertility.
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