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How To Get Rid of Piles?

How To Get Rid of Piles?

Hemorrhoids, commonly known as Piles, are swollen veins in the anus and the lowest part of the rectum. This causes painful discomfort and get rid of Piles rectal bleeding. Hemorrhoids have become very common in adults.

The swelling and inflammation of the veins can develop inside the rectum, known as internal hemorrhoids; or around the rectum, known as external hemorrhoids. External Hemorrhoids are generally more common so it is very important to get rid of external hemorrhoids in 48 hours is very important once examined.

Get rid of piles as it can be passed down the family. If anyone in your family has had a medical history of it, you are more likely to have it too. Building up pressure in the lower rectum can make the veins present there swell and bulge. This may happen due to the following reasons-

  • Obesity
  • Pregnancy
  • Low fibre diet
  • Chronic Diarrhea or Constipation
  • Straining during the bowel movements
  • Heavy lifting on a regular basis
  • Urinary Hesitency

The risk factors of having hemorrhoids will increase with age as the veins in the rectum area gradually weaken and stretch so it is very important to get rid of piles. During pregnancy, the baby growing inside the uterus can put pressure on the rectum tissues and thus result in piles.

Symptoms of Piles

The symptoms of hemorrhoids or piles depend on the type, i.e.., Internal Hemorrhoids & External Hemorrhoids.

Symptoms of Internal Hemorrhoids are-

Bleeding during bowel movements

Bulging of tissues through the anal opening which is the prolapsed or protruding hemorrhoids. This can be very painful.

Symptoms of External Hemorrhoids are-

  • Pain during bowel movements
  • Bleeding during bowel movements
  • Swelling around the anus

When a blood clot from external hemorrhoids turns blue or purple, it results in thrombosis or thrombosed hemorrhoids which can be neglected by getting the treatment done to get rid of piles. This can lead to symptoms like-

  • Severe pain & discomfort
  • Bleeding
  • Itching & inflammation
  • Lump around the anus
  • Very painful.

If you notice any of the following symptoms then get rid of external hemorrhoids in 48 hours to get instant solution and relief from all your problems.

Treatment of Piles

Smaller hemorrhoids can go away on their own. But if it remains untreated for a longer time, the complications may increase. If you are facing any of the symptoms, schedule an appointment immediately and get diagnosed.

How is the diagnosis of hemorrhoids done?

Before any treatment is done to get rid of piles, a diagnosis of hemorrhoids has to be done to determine its severity. Firstly, the doctor would ask about you and your family’s medical history. They will also ask about all your symptoms.

Next, the doctor will conduct one or both of the following examinations-

Physical Exam: To examine the anus and rectum region for any lumps, swelling, or any other problems.

Digital Exam: The doctor will put on gloves and apply lubrication. Then, insert a small finger in the rectum to check for any lumps, unusual growths, or swellings.

After this, one of these few tests may be performed to check for Internal Hemorrhoids and other risk factors to get rid of piles.

Anoscopy: Anoscope, a short plastic tube, will be used to look into the anal canal to get rid of piles.

Proctoscopy- Used to look into the Rectum

Sigmoidoscope: A flexible lighted tube called a sigmoidoscope, is used to look into the rectum and collect tissue samples for other tests.

Colonoscopy: The entire large intestine will be examined with a colonoscope and tissues will be collected for any other tests.


Once the diagnosis is done, the treatment options will be weighed. Depending on the types of hemorrhoids, the doctor will choose one of the following treatment procedures to get rid of piles.


If the hemorrhoids are not large and cause only painful discomfort, then the doctor will prescribe over-the-counter medications, ointments, or creams. These will help to ease the pain and irritation. Use them as prescribed by the doctor.

Hemorrhoid Thrombectomy

In case of the formation of thrombosis or thrombosed hemorrhoid in external hemorrhoid, it will be removed through this procedure and provide some relief. This is most effective when done within 72 hours of the formation of the clot.


When the medicines don’t work, one might need surgery. Your doctor can go for some minimally invasive procedures like rubber band ligation, injecting chemicals to shrink hemorrhoids (sclerotherapy), or coagulation techniques by the usage of the laser.

If still the hemorrhoids are not treated, then the doctor might consider the following surgeries to get rid of piles-

Hemorrhoidectomy: This procedure is done to remove the hemorrhoids under anesthesia. Excessive tissues that cause bleeding are removed through this surgery.

Hemorrhoid Stapling: Also known as Stapled Hemorrhoidopexy, it blocks the blood flow to hemorrhoidal tissue and is used only for internal hemorrhoids. It is less painful than hemorrhoidectomy.

Home Remedies

Home remedies help in early cases or reduce recurrence after surgery to get rid of piles. This will include some common lifestyle changes. You can follow the following remedies-

  • Having a high-fiber diet. This includes eating more vegetables, fruits, and grains to help soften the stool. Doing this will help ease discomfort. 
  • Soak in warm water regularly for 10-15 mins several times a day. Or a sitz bath can also help in relieving the burning sensation.
  • Drink plenty of water. This will help in easier bowel movements. 
  • The use of ice packs can help to ease the pain.
  • Avoid sitting for long hours
  • Avoid weight lifting

Hemorrhoids are not dangerous. It can be easily prevented by choosing a healthy lifestyle. If you are facing any problems in bowel movements, then do not delay in seeking help to get rid of piles. Delay in seeking help can lead to an increase in complications of hemorrhoids.

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