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Common ENT Problems During Monsoon and How to Prevent It?

Common ENT Problems During Monsoon and How to Prevent It?

An Introduction to Monsoon Related Healthcare Problems

Come on. Everybody looks forward to the monsoons, don’t they? Rains wash out the summer heat and make for a lazy couple of months before the winter, where nobody wants to do anything but stay curled up in bed under a warm blanket.

The truth is, not everybody likes the climate changes brought by the rainy season. The increased humidity, moisture in the air, and warmer conditions have health risks for millions of people.

You’ll find some diseases, conditions, and symptoms that are common during the monsoon, like:

  • Skin Infections: Increased sweating from humid conditions causes a buildup of dirt and bacteria. If you don’t use soap and scrub properly, these could quickly spiral into infections.
  • Hair Worries: Yes, you heard that right. If you have long, thin hair, the moisture content in monsoon air can damage the quality and color of your hair. Inversely, sometimes the monsoon ends up dehydrating your hair too.
  • Respiratory Issues: The monsoon is probably the worst season for people with respiratory diseases like Asthma. Being exposed to the increased pollen in monsoon seasons can prove to be very harmful to these people.
  • ENT Problems: Common ENT diseases are at once the most harmful and the most widespread effect of monsoons worldwide. Conditions like sinusitis and allergic rhinitis are prevalent during the monsoon.

Problems like these are just a few examples of the health risks that people face during the monsoon.

ENT Problems and the Debilitating Effects They Can Have

You can split more than half of the significant ENT problems faced during the monsoon into two categories: Infections from continued exposure to bacteria and Allergic reactions from sources like pollen in the air, which significantly increases during the rainy season.

Ear, Nose and Throat Infections: Possibly Contagious Conditions

Let’s talk about infections first. Where do they come from? Infections can have a wide variety of sources. Ear, Nose, and Throat infections are perfect examples of common ENT problems during the monsoon. Inflammation in your ears usually happens from bacteria buildup from sweating, which is a common effect of the monsoon.

Ear Infections usually have symptoms like:

  • Extreme ear pain from the inflammation.
  • Fever as a result of the pain.
  • Irritated and itchy skin.
  • Lastly, ENT infections also cause sleeping issues.

Sinus infections are another common ENT problem you’ll find in the monsoon, with more than 30 million people suffering from this condition every year. However, these can be treated with a regimen of antibiotics to kill off germs and bacteria.

Allergies From A Wide Variety of Triggers

And now we come to Allergies. Allergies are perhaps the most common type of medical condition globally, and an allergic reaction can happen from a variety of trigger substances.

Dusty surfaces, pollen, mold, and certain insects can all cause allergic reactions, and unsurprisingly, these are all things the monsoon brings with it.

The exact symptoms differ based on what the allergy is, but generally, ENT symptoms like these are observed in most types of allergic reactions to trigger substances:

  • Racking coughs from reactions in your respiratory system and throat.
  • Stuffy or completely blocked nose with a constant drip.
  • Constant headaches from exposure to trigger substances.
  • High fever is also a common symptom of exposure to allergic substances brought out by monsoons.

While allergies aren’t by default an ENT condition, they can have several types of effects, and a lot of them end up affecting your ear, nose, or throat in some harmful way. Often, you’ll find that an ENT allergist provides treatment for a particular allergic reaction.

A Guide to Keeping Yourself Safe From ENT Problems In the Monsoon

Bacterial infections, mold and fungi around the house, and pollen outside are all things that make the rainy season dangerous for people with compromised immunity systems.

Consult the following steps to get a reasonable level of protection against common ent diseases in the rainy season:

  • Maintain Your Hygiene: One of the most critical points, keeping yourself clean guarantees there won’t be any infections from a buildup of dirt or bacteria.
  • Vacuum Fabrics, Carpets, and Upholstery: Damp and mold get everywhere in the rainy season. Vacuum fabrics, carpets, and sofas daily to keep them clean!
  • Avoid Wearing Drenched Clothes: Getting drenched often is a one-way ticket to ensuring you contract some bacterial infection. Always take a shower if you end up getting wet in the rain, and get dry clothes.
  • Don’t Put Organic Liquids Into Ears or Armpits: It’s a common belief that putting oil in your ears keeps them clean. In the monsoon season, however, this can form a breeding ground for bacteria and insects!
  • Boost Your Immunity Lots of Exercises and A Good Diet: Yes, it’s crucial to have a good diet during the monsoon, as eating healthy boosts your immunity system.

Conclusion: What’s A Good Plan to Keep Yourself Healthy In the Monsoon?

You might think that you’ll need a secret strategy of some sort to stay healthy during the monsoon, when in reality, ensuring your safety is no big challenge. All anybody needs to do is make sure that they take care of their body daily. It also helps to eat healthily and exercise a lot during the rainy season, as both of those things keep your immunity system boosted.

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