7 Signs You Should Make an Appointment with Your Gynecologist

Reproductive health is always played out as a taboo subject. There has been minimal awareness of such topics. As a result, the dangers around sexual health have increased. Misinformation and rumors around periods, puberty, fertility, sexually transmitted diseases, and pregnancy complications have been doing rounds for centuries. While this leads to declining mental health, it can often land us in risky circumstances or even death.
A gynecologist helps with all your concerns regarding reproductive health. It’s generally advised to talk with a gynecologist each year after the age of 12-14. You should get a complete annual exam starting around age 21, and a test for cervical cancer every few years. But sometimes issues arise between appointments that worry us.
When do you know you need to visit a gynecologist?
With an unbalanced work-life balance and increased stress levels, one cannot expect proper secretion of hormones. Recently, there has been a rise in PCOS cases due to unhealthy practices. Many times, PCOS is equated with obesity and people are highly unaware of other factors related to it, such as stress. This brings in many other factors which may lead to a person falling into depression.
This is why we need to schedule regular appointments with gynecologists. They do not just treat fertility problems but also make us aware of the changes in our bodies and unattended risks.
What are some common gynecological disorders?
Gynecological Disorders
It can be confusing at times to understand which problems can a gynecologist help you with. Especially with limited awareness about such conditions. Here are some common gynecology-related situations that you should never ignore:
- Issues with menstruation or periods
- Concerns regarding breasts
- Troubles concerning genitals
- Sudden worsening of skin conditions
- Uncomfortable and painful issues with sexual health
These are a set of common areas that should be discussed with your gynecologist immediately.
While a wide variety of concerns related to reproductive health can lead to gynecological disorders, what’s more, is to know when not to delay your visit to a gynae.
Are there any signs related to reproductive health?
Watch out for these 7 signs very carefully!
Signs You Should Make an Appointment with Your Gynecologist. Some vaginal symptoms may not need any treatment since it might just be a mild infection that is easy to treat. But without a gynecologist's professional attention, even a small infection can become a bigger problem.
Here are some symptoms to look out for:
1. Painful & heavy periods.
Lower belly cramps, sore breasts, and headaches make periods difficult to bear. But sometimes, a period can become even more painful with very heavy bleeding. Heavy bleeding can be a warning sign of endometriosis or fibroids.
2. Vaginal Itching
When you spot changes in discharge or have severe itching, it can be a sign of an infection, like a yeast infection. Yeast infections can be treated but should always be followed up with professional advice to ensure there are no risks associated.
3. Lumps in Breasts
Self-breast examination videos have been making rounds around the internet lately. This is an important routine that should be followed regularly. The lumps might be malignant for some but they can also be signs of cancerous developments in your breast. Sometimes, you may miss out on lumps during the self-examination, hence it is important to schedule your appointments at regular intervals.
4. Missed Periods
Missed periods always don’t mean pregnancy. While missed periods can be a high risk for PCOS, it may also mean that you have an unbalanced and unhealthy lifestyle. It can also be due to excessive stress. Sometimes, our periods are late. But, it’s a matter of concern when you start missing your periods for more than 2 months.
5. Bumps & Blisters
Bumps or blisters around the genitals are never a good sign. At certain times, it might be just ingrown hair; it can also be a warning sign of STDs like genital warts & genital herpes. It&rsquo's always better to be on the safer side and consult your gynecologist immediately.
6. Painful Sex
Any discomfort or pain during sex is not normal. Dryness in the vagina can be one of the reasons for this. While sex is termed a taboo topic, don’t ignore the discomfort. There can be many underlying reasons for this. Your gynecologist is always there to help you out and make you aware of reproductive health.
7. Vaginal Issues
Strong-smelling vaginas and vaginal bleeding are very important to discuss with your doctor. When the vaginal odor starts making you uncomfortable or bothers you, talk with your gynecologist. It can be a bacterial infection.
Heavy and painful vaginal bleeding is a matter of serious concern. Especially if this happens after menopause. Consider scheduling your appointment with the gynecologist at regular intervals.
Gynecological problems should not be kept a secret. It’s important to detect and diagnose them at the earliest. Once you hit puberty, never miss out on any appointment with the gynaecologist. Follow all the measures instructed by them. Reproductive health is very important to maintain.
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