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10 Important Signs of Labor Pains

10 Important Signs of Labor Pains

For every person, the signs of labor are different and along with that comes the different signs of labor pain as well. There are no hard and fast rules that can tell you when your baby is arriving and whether or not the labor has started but can be signified when you start experiencing signs of labor pain.

While the following 10 signs of labor may give you some context, you have to remember that they are not the rules. You may experience entirely different labor signs than these. However, if you are interested in staying abreast of the situation, it is always better to know about the common early signs of labor which can also be signified as signs of labor pain.


After months of carrying the weight of your child, you can feel surprisingly light as childbirth comes closer. American Pregnancy Association has named this sensation baby dropping. It indicates that the baby has moved deeper into your pelvis reducing the pressure on your diaphragm which is a sign of labor pain.

Braxton Hick Contractions

Even though these are famous signs of false labor, the fluttering and intermittent sensations are more noticeable in the early period of your labor. Keep in mind that it does not indicate that your wife is about to deliver. It is just an indication that she is getting closer to childbirth.

Longer and More Regular Contraction

These contractions are the true signs of labor. In such cases, expecting mothers will experience surges that come four or five minutes apart and lasts for several minutes.

Lower Back Labor Pain, a major sign of labor pain

While lower back pain is common in the late stage of pregnancy, many women experience menstrual-like cramps and lower back pains during the early stage of labor.

Stronger sign of Labor Pain

Powerful contractions are true signs of labor. During such contractions, it would be difficult for you to talk or walk. While every labor is unique, generally contractions get more intense as time passes.

Loss of Appetite

The Labor pains can make the prospect of food less appealing. As the labor begins, the expecting mother can get thirsty and hungry.

Water Breaking

It is the most obvious sign that you are well and truly in labor. The water breaking can take place like a big gush or a trickle of fluid. In any case, this means the amniotic sac around your baby has broken and your kid is on the way.

Mucus and Bleeding

It might sound dramatic, but such bleeding means that the cervical plug has been open. You should not be afraid if there’s only blood and mucus. However, if the fluid is brown or green, then know that the baby is having a tough time.


The dilation is what makes the doctors and nurses start the countdown of the arrival of your child. However, it is always better that a doctor measures your dilation.

Now that you know all the common signs of labor, it would be easier for you to spot them. However, you have to keep in mind that your labor will be completely different than the labor of other people. So, the chances are there that you might not experience any of the above signs at all. Talk to your doctor to know more about it.

Thinning of the cervix

Along with dilation, thinning of the cervix also occurs. It occurs weeks before labor as a thinned cervix dilates more easily and quickly.

Now that you know all the common signs of labor, it would be easier for you to spot them. However, you have to keep in mind that your labor will be completely different than the labor of other people. So, the chances are there that you might not experience any of the above signs at all. Talk to your doctor to know more about it.

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