Dr. Rajesh Bawari

Senior Consultant (Visiting) Orthopaedics
Joint Replacement and Arthroscopy

  • Plot No. 7, Golf Course Rd, Sector 43, Gurugram, Haryana 122002
  • Mobile: +91-9354471022
  • Email: info@scihospital.com

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MS Orthopaedics DA J&J Joint Replacement,Orthopaedics & Arthroscopy

23 years of Experience

Dr. Bawari is academically inclined, with various publications to his credit. He has been co-quide for the postgraduate DNB Thesis in Orthopedics. He has also been a presenter at various regional, national, and international orthopedic conferences.

Dr. Rajesh Bawari has 33 years of experience overall (26 years as a specialist) in Orthopedics - including Complex Trauma surgeries and Reconstructing procedures such as Joint Replacement, Arthroscopic Reconstructive surgeries and deformity Reosteosynthesis, Limb length and Deformity Correction surgeries.

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